Recent funding from UHN research grants, the federal government and the Wright family, have enabled the transformation of the Bob and Joan Wright Cell Imaging Facility (WCIF), which is located at the Krembil Research Institute.
Since 2000, the WCIF has provided state-of-the-art microscopy capabilities to UHN and external researchers.
The recent funding has provided the facility with a new image analysis station as well as a fully equipped tissue culture processing area that allows live cell preparation on site. In addition, key equipment has been acquired to upgrade existing capabilities while providing new, advanced capabilities.
Equipment that was purchased through the support of Drs. Elise Stanley, Charles Tator and a recent donation from the Wright family, is listed below:
- Zeiss LSM880 laser scanning confocal microscope with Airyscan enhanced resolution module
- AxioObserver 7 widefield inverted microscope
- AxioZoom microscope
Funding from a Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) grant awarded to Drs. Philippe Monnier, Jeremy Sivak and Valerie Wallace has also provided the facility with a Leica upright multiphoton microscope.
As part of the revitalization, the team from UHN’s Advanced Optical Microscopy Facility (AOMF) will be managing the WCIF. Management of the facility will be led by James Jonkman (Manager, AOMF) and user support and training will be provided by Kevin Conway, who will be on site on a part-time basis.
Please contact to discuss your microscopy requirements and to book training sessions on the new equipment.