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Watch Dr. Shaf Keshavjee discuss the innovative Toronto XVIVO System for donor lungs.
Posted On: August 14, 2015

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Dr. Shaf Keshavjee, Director of the Toronto Lung Transplant Program and UHN Surgeon-in-Chief (Source: YouTube; TEDMED)
TED Talks are a forum for "ideas worth spreading."
The popular Technology, Entertainment, Design speeches bring audiences from all over the world together to watch and listen to profound, engaging and insightful leaders and innovators. This includes some of the world-renowned scientific and medical experts here at UHN.
Check out our UHN experts on the TED Talks playlist on YouTube, including:
- Dr. Shaf Keshavjee unveiling a mechanical lung on stage and describing how this transplant technology is saving lives.
- Dr. Karen D. Davis on why some people react to the same painful stimulus in different ways.
- Dr. Andres Lozano taking a dramatic look at emerging techniques in deep brain stimulation and how one woman with Parkinson disease instantly stops shaking and brain areas eroded by Alzheimer disease are brought back to life.
- Dr. Isaac Bogoch describing some brilliant approaches to the diagnosis of parasitic infections when health care resources are limited.
- Dr. Joseph Cafazzo, a biomedical engineer, working on ways to keep people out of hospital by creating technologies that allow for self-care at home.
- Dr. Geoff Fernie on finding innovative ways to help people with disabilities overcome the day-to-day difficulties they encounter, especially in later life.
- Dr. Samir Sinha, a geriatrician who understands that people are living longer than ever before. His question: Are they living well? Dr. Sinha has some smart advice for developing age-friendly communities.
- Dr. David Jaffray on 'burying the complexity'. He is internationally recognized for his leadership in developing new and more precise approaches to radiation therapy that contribute to better outcomes for patients.