The 2021 Krembil Brain Institute magazine is live!
Launched in the September issue of Toronto Life, the magazine was distributed to nearly 40,000 subscribers across Canada. The magazine showcases the world-class multidisciplinary team at the Krembil Brain Institute and its groundbreaking research related to chronic and debilitating diseases of the brain and spine.
The stories in this issue highlight exciting research and clinical advancements currently underway at the Institute, as well as inspiring patients who have reclaimed their lives as a result of these advancements.
Patient-centred stories focus on how Krembil researchers and clinical partners are improving the detection and treatment of a wide range of nervous system conditions, including epilepsy, trigeminal neuralgia, chronic pain, stroke and spinal cord injury.
In addition to the printed magazine, Toronto Life shared digital versions of two feature stories, “Pushing the Limits” and “Codebreakers”, on their website. These stories introduce readers to the Krembil researchers who are working to develop cutting-edge neuromodulatory procedures and treatments for neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer and Parkinson disease.
Click here to read the 2021 Krembil Brain Institute magazine.
Printed copies of the magazine are available at the Krembil Directorate Office (room 4KD478, Krembil Discovery Tower) and room 11MP302 at Toronto Western Hospital.