For a list of Dr. Lee's publications, please visit PubMed, Scopus or ORCID.
Selected publications:
Raslan IR, Ross HJ, Fowler RA, Scales DC, Stelfox HT, Mak S, Tu JV, Farkouh ME, Stukel TA, Wang X, van Diepen S, Wunsch H, Austin PC, Lee DS. The associations between direct and delayed critical care unit admission with mortality and readmissions among patients with heart failure. Am Heart J 2021 [in press]
Crosier R, Austin PC, Ko DT, Lawler PR, Stukel TA, Farkouh ME, Wang X, Spertus JA, Ross HJ, Lee DS. Intensity of guideline-directed medical therapy for coronary heart disease and ischemic heart failure outcomes. Am J Med 2021 [n press]
Anderson K, Ross HJ, Austin PC, Fang J, Lee DS. Healthcare utilization before first heart failure hospitalization: identifying opportunities to pre-emptively diagnose impending decompensation. JACC Heart Fail 2020 [in press]
Tam DY, Dharma C, Rocha R, Farkouh ME, Abdel-Qadir H, Sun LY, Wijeysundera HC, Austin PC, Udell J, Gaudino M, Fremes SE, Lee DS. Long-term survival after coronary artery bypass grafting and percutaneous coronary intervention in multivessel disease and diabetes. J Am Coll Cardiol 2020; 76(10):1153-1164
Angaran P, Dorian P, Ha ACT, Thavendiranathan P, Tsang W, Leong-Poi H, Woo A, Dias B, Wang X, Austin PC, Lee DS. Association of left ventricular ejection fraction with mortality and hospitalizations. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2020; 33(7):802-811
Abdel-Qadir H, Thavendiranathan P, Fung K, Amir E, Austin PC, Anderson GS, Lee DS. Association of early-stage breast cancer and subsequent chemotherapy with risk of atrial fibrillation after early stage breast cancer and chemotherapy. JAMA Netw Open 2019; 2(9):e1911838
Braga JR, Leong-Poi H, Rac VE, Austin PC, Ross HJ, Lee DS. Trends in the use of cardiac imaging for patients with heart failure in Canada. JAMA Netw Open 2019; 2(8):e198766
Lee DS, Lee JS, Schull MJ, Borgundvaag B, Edmonds ML, Ivankovic M, McLeod SL, Dreyer JF, Sabbah S, Levy PD, O’Neill T, Chong A, Stukel TA, Austin PC, Tu JV. Prospective validation of the emergency heart failure mortality risk grade for acute heart failure: the acute congestive heart failure urgent care evaluation (ACUTE) study. Circulation 2019; 139:1146-56
Atzema CL, Austin PC, Yu B, Schull MJ, Jackevicius CA, Ivers NM, Rochon PA, Lee DS. Effect of early physician follow-up on mortality and subsequent hospital admissions after emergency care for heart failure: a retrospective cohort study. CMAJ 2018; 190 (50): E1468-E1477
Thavendiranathan P, Abdel-Qadir H, Fischer HD, Liu Y, Camacho X, Amir E, Austin PC, Lee DS. ‘Risk-imaging mismatch’ in cardiac imaging practices for women receiving systemic therapy for early stage breast cancer: a population-based cohort study. J Clin Oncol 2018; 36(30):2980-2987