For researchers and research staff working at home that need to retrieve publications that are not open access, there are a few options:
1. UHN staff with a RIS username or T-ID can login and access the UHN Virtual Library through the TeamUHN link at the top of https://www.uhn.ca (link is external) or through the direct link at https://guides-hsict-library-utoronto-ca.uhn.idm.oclc.org/UHNvirtuallibrary (link is external). Any questions can be addressed to UHN Library & Information Services at uhnlibraries@uhn.ca.
2. UHN Staff using the UHN VPN should be able to access journals as if they were on-site. VPN access instructions can be found here: http://www.uhnresearch.ca/news/working-remotely-vpn.
3. Current University of Toronto faculty and students with a UTORid and/or UofT library card should be able to access the UofT Library catalogues at https://library.utoronto.ca/ (link is external).