Consent Forms
UHN/CTO Integrated consent form template with guidance

This template/guidance document aligns with the Clinical Trials Ontario consent form template.
Version Date: August 10, 2023

*Please note: if you are submitting to CTO Stream directly you must use the template and process outlined on CTOs Website

UHN/CTO Minimal risk integrated consent form template with guidanceMinimal risk consent form template with guidance
UHN/CTO Integrated Optional Consent Form template with guidanceOptional consent form template with guidance
Template for consenting participants for follow-up upon pregnancy (note: you must be on UHN's network to access this link)
Sample Addendum to Consent FormREB-created document to aid in the creation of an addendum to an existing study specific consent form.


Guidelines, definitions, sub-study information, exceptions, and procedures regarding study amendments. Version date: June 30, 2017
UHN-REB Guidance on Case ReportsInstructions for writing Case Reports.
Guidance document provided by CAREB.
UHN REB: Guidance on Providing New Information to Study ParticipantsGuidelines, definitions and instructions on providing new information to participants. Version date: August 22, 2017
US Department of Health and Human Services: Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)
US Department of Health and Human Services FDA Guidance for Clinical Investigators, Sponsors, and IRBs - Adverse Event Reporting to IRB
UHN Guidance on Pregnancy Prevention UHN Guidance on Pregnancy Prevention 
Submitting an Investigator's Brochure / Product MonographUHN-REB Guidance on Submitting an Investigator's Brochure / Product Monograph
UHN REB Guidance for Management Plan Issued by the UHN Compliance Office

UHN-REB Guidance on how to advise the REB of a conflict of interest as per management plan issued by UHN Compliance Office

Ethical Considerations for Remote ConsentEthical Considerations for Remote Consent Version date: August 6, 2024
Return of Results to ParticipantsReturn of Results to Participants- Version date: July 20th, 2022


Supporting Documents
Attestation PolicyMemo stating the UHN REBs policy on signing the REB Attestation Form 
Sample Protocol for Prospective StudiesSample Prospective Protocol for guidance.
Sample Protocol for Chart ReviewsSample Chart Review Protocol for guidance
Sample Protocol for Tissue StudiesSample TIssue Protocol for guidance
Pregnancy Prevention Information Sheet Pregnancy Prevention Information Sheet 
Remote Monitoring Participant Notification letterRemote Monitoring Participant Notification letter
Instructions for Obtaining Remote Research ConsentUHN guidance on the options for obtaining research consent remotely as a safety measure due to COVID-19. Version date: March 08, 2021