The Gallie lab, since 1976, has focused on the molecular pathogenesis and clinical impact of retinoblastoma. I led the Canadian National Retinoblastoma Strategy, the world’s first guidelines for care for retinoblastoma. To assess the prognostic validity of cancer staging, our international survey revealed poor prognostic value of previous staging systems and good prognostic value of the 8th edition Tumor Node Metastasis (TNM) Cancer Staging System. In the 8th edition, retinoblastoma is the only cancer including heritability (H1, H0, HX) as a risk factor, "TNMH".
To address quality of clinical care, we developed DEPICT HEALTH, a language-independent visual summary of care for communication across the circle of care including parents/patients. The prototype has been used at SickKids since 2003. We now offer DEPICT globally: with clinical consent, we collect identified point-of-care data spanning diagnosis to lifelong follow-up, available to the full circle of care. A separate, optional consent for research makes coded/aggregated data available to Research Ethics Board-approved research.
I am PI for the phase I clinical trial Sustained-Release Topotecan Episcleral Plaque (Chemoplaque) (STEP-RB), to assess safety and efficacy in patients with de novo, or active residual or recurrent intraocular retinoblastoma. Preliminary results (March 18, 2022) indicate manageable toxicity on the first 3/5 dose levels, and complete remission in 70% of eyes.