Steven Friedman , MD, MPH, CCFP(EM), FCFP

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My core research interests relate to quality, barriers to care in the emergency department (ED), and cycling safety and injury prevention. Areas of interrogation have included resident perceptions regarding personal on-call and procedural competence, adverse events and reporting these to supervisors; Comprehension and compliance barriers in emergency department, and Patients who leave the emergency department without being seen.

Projects relating to cycling safety and injury prevention have included a control-matched survey of Toronto bike-share users exploring cycling safety practices and barriers to helmet use; a multi-centered collaboration exploration cycling injuries and the built environment; and an evidence-based review of Canadian cycling injuries and safety policy, leading to co-authorship of the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Position Paper on Cycling Safety.

Additional publications:

  1. Evaluation of birth cohort hepatitis C screening program in an academic emergency department. [abstract]
    Capraru Cl et al.
    J Viral Hepat. 2018 June 12; 25:162.
  2. Evaluation of hepatitis C screening strategies in different community settings in a Canadian metropolitan area [abstract]
    Capraru C et al.
    J Viral Hepat. 2018 June 12; 25:166-167.
  3. Management of subcutaneous abscesses in the emergency department [abstract]
    Friedman SM.
    CJEM. 2018 May 11; 20(S1):S74-S75.
  4. A Multifaceted Primary Care Practice-Based Intervention to Reduce ED Visits and Hospitalization for Complex Patients [abstract]
    O'Brien T et al.
    J Gen Intern Med.. 2016 May; 31(Suppl 2):s100.

For a list of Dr. Friedman's publications, please visit PubMed or Scopus.

Assistant Director (Research), Emergency Medicine, University Health Network
Associate Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto