My research is focused on neurobiology, clinical pharmacology and behavioral treatments of Tourette syndrome (TS) and related neurodevelopmental disorders.

We have developed a novel paradigm to visualize brain activation associated with premonitory urge in patients with TS. This method appears to distinguish between those affected by TS and unaffected controls. If confirmed, this would represent the first biological marker for TS.

Currently, we study the effects of clonidine on sleep and aggressive behavior in children with TS. We are also developing pharmacogenetic studies in a TS population.

We are examining the behavioural and imaging correlates of cannabis treatment in patients with treatment resistant TS.

With Dr. Cathy Barr, we are members of the International Genetics of Tourette's Syndrome Consortium sponsored by the U.S. Tourette Syndrome Association. We have collected detailed clinical information about nine medium-large pedigrees with three generations affected. We are now pursuing nuclear family sib-pair and trio strategy seeking genes that predispose certain people to TS. To date our group has studied over 600 individuals as our contribution to this effort. Recently we have reported a genetic linkage in a large TS pedigree: Chromosome 5 and Gilles de la Tourette syndrome: Linkage in a large pedigree and association study of six candidates in the region. Laurin N, Wigg KG, Feng Y, Sandor P, Barr CL. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2009 Jan 5;150B(1):95-103.

For a list of Dr. Sandor's publications, please visit PubMed, Scopus, Publons or ORCID.

Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto