Dr. White is involved in multidisciplinary team-based research related to magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of sports injury, cartilage disease and health, as well as physiologic/functional MR imaging of the musculoskeletal system. His research work is supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Canadian Arthritis Network. Recently, he was honoured with the President's Medal of the International Skeletal Society for his research contributions to the field of bone and joint disease.

Dr. White's ongoing research is focused on the use of MR imaging in the assessment of articular cartilage using qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques including ultrastructural and biochemical measures of early cartilage disease. In collaboration with team members from the fields of biomedical engineering, physics, orthopedic surgery, sports medicine, pathology and veterinary medicine, his team's research interests include the development, investigation and refinement of different approaches to MR imaging evaluation of normal articular cartilage, cartilage disease, risk factors for cartilage degeneration and the assessment of cartilage regeneration, replacement and repair.

For a list of Dr. White's publications, please visit PubMed, Scopus or Publons.