For a list of Dr. Ailles's publications, please visit PubMed or Scopus.
Key publications:
Hussain A, Voisin V, Poon S . . . Tang KH, Paterson J, Clarke B, Bernardini MQ, Bader G, Neel B, Ailles L. Distinct fibroblast functional states drive clinical outcomes in ovarian cancer and are regulated by TCF21. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 217: e20191094, 2020.
Ruicci K, Meens J, Sun RX . . . Mymryk JS, Barrett JW, Boutros P, Ailles L*, Nichols AC*. A controlled trial of HNSCC patient-derived xenografts reveals broad efficacy of PIK3CA inhibition in controlling tumor growth. International Journal of Cancer, 145: 2100-2106, 2019.
Sinha A, Hussain A, Ignatchenko V . . . Ho VWH, Neel BG, Clarke B, Bernardini MQ, Ailles L, Kislinger T. N-Glycoproteomics of patient-derived xenografts: A strategy to discovery tumor-associated proteins in high-grade serous ovarian cancer. Cell Systems, 8: 345-351, 2019.
Karamboulas C, Bruce J, Hope AJ . . . Tiedemann R, Liu F-F, Bratman SV, Pugh T, Xu W, Ailles L. Patient-derived xenografts for prognostication and interrogation of precision medicine in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients. Cell Reports, 25:1318-1331, 2018.
Lobo N, Gedye C, Apostoli A, Stickle N, Hyatt E, Evans A, Jewett MAS, Ailles L. Efficient generation of patient-matched malignant and normal primary cell cultures from clear cell renal cell carcinoma patients: clinically relevant models for research and personalized medicine. BMC Cancer, 16:485-499, 2016.
Gedye C, Sirskyj D, Lobo N . . . Kulkarni G, Zlotta A, Evans A, Finelli A, Jewett MAS, Ailles LE. Standard experimental methods substantially underestimate renal carcinoma initiating cell frequencies. Scientific Reports, 6:25220, 2016.