The focus of my research program in drug discovery is on neurosciences, infectious diseases and immune disorders.

(i) Neurodegenerative disorders: We are pursuing new drugs and novel mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and prodromic symptoms. Our drug development technology has been licensed and is currently undergoing clinical trials. My laboratory is also working on research in CNS-active controlled drugs substances (including cannabinoids and various psychadelics).

(ii) Infectious diseases: We are interested in developing novel antiviral agents that target infections of concern in organ transplantation. In collaboration with UHN's multi-organ transplant (MOT) program, we are screening and designing novel nucleoside and non-nucleoside molecules targeting CMV and BK viruses.

(iii) Immune thrombocytopenia: Several small molecules are being investigated with potential candidates for in vivo experiments.

For a list of Dr. Kotra's publications, please visit PubMed, Scopus or ORCID.

Director, Center for Molecular Design and Preformulations, UHN
Associate Professor, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto
Scientific Director (Toronto-based), UHN-Shanghai