Jennifer M Jones, PhD

Dr. Jones’ most recent scholarly and professional activities have clustered around translational research to inform clinical survivorship care. This clinical research platform specifically focuses on examining new approaches to predict, prevent and manage long-term adverse effects of cancer and its treatment, as well as evaluating innovative models of follow-up care and support for the growing number of cancer survivors.

Dr. Jennifer Jones is the Director of the Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship Program, a Senior Scientist in the PM Research Institute, and holds the Butterfield Drew Chair in Cancer Survivorship Research. In addition, she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry (primary) and the Dalla Lana School of Public Health (cross-appointment) at University of Toronto. She currently co-Leads the Canadian Cancer Survivorship Research Consortium (

Dr. Jones’ most recent scholarly and professional activities have clustered around translational research to inform clinical survivorship care. This research platform specifically focuses on examining new approaches to predict, prevent and manage long-term adverse effects of cancer and its treatment with a focus on cancer rehabilitation and the development and evaluation of innovative models of follow-up care and support. This includes: i) Assessment of the prevalence and impact of long-term and late physical and psychosocial effects of cancer and its treatment; ii) Development and evaluation of sustainable and cost-effective interventions for patients and their families along with innovative models of survivorship care; 3) Implementation of evidence into clinical practice through the development of integrated KT models and education.

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For a list of Dr. Jones's publications, please visit PubMed or Google scholar.

Director, Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship Program, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry (primary) and Dalla Lana School of Public Health (cross-appointment), University of Toronto
Co-Lead, Canadian Cancer Survivorship Research Consortium (
Butterfield Drew Chair in Cancer Survivorship Research (UT/UHN)
Full Member, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto