Hani Naguib, PhD

Dr. Hani Naguib is a Professor at the University of Toronto and a Canada Research Chair in Smart and Functional Materials. He is the Director of the Toronto Institute for Advanced Manufacturing. Dr. Naguib is the recipient of numerous honours and awards such as the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation's Early Researcher Award, a Canada Foundation for Innovation award, and the faculty Early Teaching Award. He is a Professional Engineer in Canada, a Chartered Engineer in U.K., a Fellow of the Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining IOM3 in UK, a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME, a Fellow of the Society of Plastics Engineers SPE and a Fellow of the Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers CSME. He continues to serve on the technical divisions’ board of directors for the SPE, ASME, ASM and CSME and to organize and chair various conferences, symposia and seminars at national and international conferences. Dr. Naguib is the Associate Editor of the IOP Journal of Smart Materials, Journal of Cellular Plastics and Cellular Polymers.
Dr. Naguib's research scope encompasses the area of advanced materials and manufacturing, and enabling materials and technologies. His expertise is in the area of smart and active materials; macromolecules and composites; and bio-based materials.  
His major research expertise is on the development and characterization of smart and adaptive materials. His lab focuses on advancing these materials and their properties and using them to improve current technologies in the biomedical field. Examples are shape-memory materials as flexible actuators and artificial muscles for prostheses, clinical transducer devices, and drug delivery systems; electro-active polymers for smart textiles, wearable electronics and sensors for rehabilitation and clinical devices; biopolymer and biocomposites for antimicrobial properties and bioscaffolds in human tissue engineering applications; and synthetic tissues in drug delivery systems and phantoms in medical imaging.
His lab has been spearheading in the design, fabrication and modelling of these new smart materials based actuators and sensors with a focus on their multiphysics response.

For a list of Dr. Naguib's publications, please visit PubMed or Scopus.