My research program is focused on the development, testing and global implementation of novel psychological and palliative interventions for patients with advanced cancer and their families. This includes a brief supportive-expressive intervention referred to as Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully (CALM). We have shown in a large CIHR-funded randomized controlled trial that CALM alleviates depression, reduces death anxiety and improves communication with health care providers and preparation for the end of life in patients with metastatic or advanced cancer. Our Global CALM Program has partnered with more than fifteen countries to implement CALM internationally. We have also developed an integrated psychological and symptom control intervention for patients with acute leukemia, referred to as Emotion and Symptom-Focused Engagement (EASE). We showed in a randomized pilot study funded by the Canadian Cancer Society that EASE alleviates traumatic stress and physical symptoms, and we are now beginning a multicenter trial of EASE funded by the Cancer Clinical Trials Group of the Canadian Cancer Society and the CIHR.