Dr. Hodgson conducts research to improve the long-term outcomes of cancer patients, particularly children and young adults. Ongoing studies include:
1. Translating epidemiologic studies of radiation-related side effects into more effective and safer treatment for patients with childhood cancer and lymphoma. This research helps to identify the best way to improve the long-term outcome of young lymphoma patients by optimally balancing the intensity of treatment needed to cure while minimizing the risks of treatment toxicity.
2. Integrating clinical research and mathematical modeling to improve the follow-up care of survivors of childhood cancer. This work has the goal of creating follow-up strategies that optimize the health of cancer survivors while reducing unnecessary testing.
3. Improving access to and evaluation of innovative treatments for lymphoma. Canadian patients need access to innovative treatments through clinical trials. However, clinical trials for uncommon cancers like lymphoma and childhood malignancies are challenging to run. We are working with a multidisciplinary group of statisticians and clinical researchers to improve the design and efficiency and access to clinical trials for lymphoma patients.
4. Using Machine Learning to improve radiation therapy for children and young adults with brain tumours. A multidisciplinary group of oncologists, computer scientists and radiation physicists are developing and applying machine learning methods to improve the radiation therapy for children and young adults with brain tumours.