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Keynote speaker reveals how artificial intelligence could improve treatment of mental illness.
Posted On: June 06, 2019

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Krembil Research Day was attended by approximately 285 people this year.
Krembil Research Day is an annual event during which the Institute’s investigators, trainees and staff come together to celebrate their research achievements.
The day was kicked off with the premiere of an inspirational and visually stunning video titled ‘We are Krembil’, which introduces the Institute and its mission (view the video here). It was created by Krembil’s talented Public Affairs team with the help of Carley McPherson and several researchers and trainees.
Throughout the day, trainees shared their research through a variety of formats, including formal oral presentations and short elevator pitches tailored to a general audience. In addition, 80 trainees and staff presented their work through posters. At the end of the day, the best presenters were rewarded with prizes.
This year’s keynote address was provided by Dr. Amit Etkin, a world-renowned psychiatrist-scientist from Stanford University who is pioneering new approaches for understanding and treating mental illness. Dr. Etkin described how his research team is combining artificial intelligence with the brain’s electrical activity to improve the treatment of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Dr. Donald Weaver, Krembil’s Director, thanks all of the individuals who made this year’s Research Day a success, including the Trainee Affairs Committee and its Chair, Dr. Mary Pat McAndrews; the Krembil administration team; and the presentation judges. In addition, he thanks Mr. Jim Leech and Ms. Deb Barrett for their generous donation that supported the event.
Congratulations to everyone who presented their work!
A complete list of presentation awardees is available here

Keynote speaker Dr. Amit Etkin (right) speaking with Drs. Taufik Valiante (left) and Jonathan Downar (middle).

Winners of the presentation competitions, along with Dr. Donald Weaver, Director of the Krembil Research Institute (sixth from left); and Dr. Mary Pat McAndrews, Chair of the Trainee Affairs Committee (first on right).