The OSOTF Graduate Fellowships in neuroscience are awarded to University Health Network trainees enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. The ORT is pleased to announce the awardees of the 2018-2019 OSOTF Unilever/Lipton Graduate Fellowship:
Raabeae Aryan (Supervisor: Dr. Avril Mansfield, TRI)
Marko Bjelica (Supervisor: Dr. Alison Novak, TRI)
Priscilla Chan (Supervisor: Dr. Michael Fehlings, Krembil)
Alexandra Chatzikalymniou (Supervisor: Dr. Frances Skinner, Krembil)
Jonathon Chio (Supervisor: Dr. Michael Fehlings. Krembil)
Lucas Crosby (Supervisor: Dr. Kara Patterson, TRI)
Naaz Desai (Supervisor: Dr. Milos Popovic, TRI)
Akshay Gurdita (Supervisor: Dr. Valerie Wallace, Krembil)
James Hong (Supervisor: Dr. Michael Fehlings, Krembil)
Bruna Seixas Lima (Supervisor: Dr. Charles Tator, Krembil)
Yuqi Lin (Supervisor: Dr. Aylin Reid, TRI)
Caroline Park (Supervisor: Dr. Roger McIntyre, Krembil)
Elana Sefton (Supervisor: Dr. Milos Popovic, TRI)
Hardeep Singh (Supervisor: Dr. Kristin Musselman, TRI)
Sana Smaoui (Supervisor: Dr. Catriona Steele, TRI)
Sarasa Tohyama (Supervisor: Dr. Mojgan Hodaie, Krembil)
Congratulations once again to all the winners!