Showcasing UHN’s Summer Students

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127 students presented their research to the UHN community at the summer student Research Day.
Posted On: September 23, 2024
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Poster presentations at UHN’s STAR Program research day. (L-R, clockwise) Poster winners Neil Lin, Shailly Prajapati, Anchal Badwal, Maria Sajan, Alexandria Mansfield, and Jessica Sun (middle).

UHN’s Summer Training and Research (STAR) Program recently celebrated the achievements of its students at the highly anticipated Research Day, hosted at the Princess Margaret Cancer Research Tower. This annual event is the culmination of the STAR Program, a comprehensive summer research initiative organized by UHN’s Office of Research Trainees (ORT).

The STAR program offers summer students, mostly in their undergraduate studies, an opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research across UHN's renowned institutes. Beyond hands-on research, participants attended professional development sessions focused on essential skills like research design, literature review, time management, networking, and career exploration in science and health care.

At this year’s Research Day, 91 students presented their research through in-person poster presentations, while 36 others showcased their work via VoiceThread, a virtual presentation platform. These presentations highlighted a wide range of projects, from novel cancer treatments to advancements in medical technologies.

The event also welcomed participants from UHN’s Pathway to Research Program, which aims to support first-year undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds in securing summer research positions. Eleven students from this new initiative were among the presenters.

A panel of judges recognized the most outstanding posters, with awards going to in-person presenters Shailly Prajapati, Alexandria Mansfield, Maria Sajan, Anchal Badwal, and Neil Lin. Virtual poster awards were given to Jessica Sun and Ryan Getty.

In total, 105 students completed the STAR program, marking a successful summer of growth, innovation, and community building within UHN's vibrant research environment.