The Krembil Newsletter

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Learn about the latest news and research advancements from the Krembil Research Institute.
Posted On: July 15, 2024

Welcome to the latest issue of The Krembil.

The Krembil is the official newsletter of the Krembil Research Institute (formerly the Toronto Western Research Institute). Research at Krembil is focused on finding innovative treatments and cures for chronic debilitating disorders, including arthritis and diseases of the brain and eyes.

Stories in this month’s issue include:

Krembil Research Day 2024: Exceptional trainee and staff researchers impress at Krembil Research Day.

Neuronto Research Symposium: Joint research event marks a milestone in uniting leading neuroscientists at UHN and SickKids.

New to Team UHN: Alley Wilson joins the Krembil Research Institute as a Communication Specialist.

Breakthrough in Parkinson’s Disease: Deep brain stimulation may treat Parkinson’s by reducing the buildup of alpha-synuclein.

Uncovering Regulators of Arthritis: Study identifies key proteins driving inflammatory disease, potential therapeutic targets.

New Models for Eye Disease: Material transfer between transplanted and host cells holds promise for vision repair.

Building a Brain Atlas: The first molecular atlas of brain blood vessels from development to adulthood and disease.

Read these stories here.

We are working towards a communications refresh and the quarterly Krembil Newsletter will be paused. To read previous issues, see the newsletter archive.