The Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade has launched their annual call for the Early Researcher Awards program, a highly competitive program that provides operating funding to researchers at eligible Ontario research centres. If successful, it provides up to $100,000 in funding and requires an additional $50,000 in matching funds.
The ERA program is open on a competitive basis to researchers who meet all of the following criteria:
● Are full-time faculty or principal investigators who, at the application deadline, are based at an eligible institution
● Have started their academic career on or after January 1, 2014
● Have completed their first Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree, Medical Doctor or terminal degree on or after January 1, 2009.
Further details on eligibility are available on the program website.
Please note that all UHN applicants are required to source their own matching funding for this program, and that existing start-up funding cannot be used as an eligible match.
If you meet the above requirements and are interested in applying, please contact UHN’s Strategic Research Initiatives Development (StRIDe) office ( by July 5, 2019.