By: Candice Tang, Science Writer for the ORT Times
As the holiday season approaches, UHN trainees are looking forward to some well-deserved rest and relaxation. Yet, most of us feel guilty about taking time off, despite what the research tells us: Short breaks help improve productivity and reduce burnout, particularly among graduate students and postdocs.
While the benefits are apparent to us, we still feel the need to be productive over the holidays. How can you still feel productive over the holidays while enjoying some time off?
This is your chance to catch up on what’s new in your field. Reading about relevant research topics will not only make you more knowledgeable about your field, but it may open up opportunities for collaboration or inspire you to explore a new technique. You may also find inspiration from your work in the form of news stories, blogs, podcasts and non-fiction novels. Exposing yourself to these different forms of storytelling will help make you a better writer and communicator.
For some people, going to the gym is a routine part of the day, but for others, it’s a chore. Exercise helps both your body and your mind and is associated with improved productivity and mental health. If the gym is not right for you, consider team-based sports, dance classes or yoga. Beat the cold weather by inviting friends out for winter activities. Your mind will be refreshed over the holidays and you might even carry your routine over to the new year.
Taking a break from the lab doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stimulate your brain. Challenge yourself to learn something new like a hobby or a computer program. This is the perfect time to download and learn the basics of a new software that may be useful for your academic work. While it might not directly apply to your project, learning how to write basic code or use Adobe Photoshop may help you in your career.
Most people enjoy friends and family time over the holidays but try to make an effort to connect with members of your team. Host a holiday party or potluck where you can socialize with your colleagues informally. This is a fun way to build rapport and strengthen your relationship with your team.
One of the most intimidating tasks on a trainee’s to-do list is to update his or her CV or resume. This is your chance to include your latest publications, awards, achievements or changes in job title or responsibilities. Having an updated resume ready will save you time and stress when you’re presented with a job opportunity. If you’ve been thinking about getting an ORCID, now is a good time to set it up.
Ironically, one can feel overwhelmed without having a full week of classes, experiments, meetings and data analysis. Be sure to keep some level of structure throughout the week by allotting some time for each of the activities above: reading, exercising, learning, connecting and updating your resume. Above all, remember to actually take the time to relax—you will feel refreshed and energized for work!