September 2021
UHN Research The Krembil is the official newsletter of the Krembil Research Institute (formerly the Toronto Western Research Institute). It informs the Toronto Western Hospital community, external stakeholders and interested community members about the exciting news and innovative research happening at the Krembil Research Institute.

Stories in this month's issue:

Donald Weaver, PhD, MD, FRCPC, FCAHS
Director, Krembil Research Institute
University Health Network

Neuroscientist Joins Krembil

The Krembil Research Institute is pleased to welcome Dr. Maurizio De Pittà as its newest Scientist at the Krembil Brain Institute.

Dr. De Pittà is a computational neuroscientist with expertise in the biology and function of glia. [Read More]

Krembil Magazine Launched

The 2021 Krembil Brain Institute magazine is live!

The magazine showcases the world-class multidisciplinary team at the Krembil Brain Institute and its groundbreaking research related to chronic and debilitating diseases of the brain and spine. [Read More]

Side Benefits

Drugs used to treat prostate enlargement may reduce men’s risk of developing Parkinson disease. [Learn More]
The Weight of Arthritis

The link between obesity and osteoarthritis: can we blame it on the knee? [Learn More]
The Power of Teamwork

Collaboration among different health care professionals shortens wait times for arthritis care. [Learn More]
A Needle in a Haystack

Whole genome sequencing reveals rare genetic variations in adults with unexplained epilepsies. [Learn More]

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