May 2016
UHN Research Introducing The Krembil: the official newsletter of the Krembil Research Institute (formerly the Toronto Western Research Institute). The Krembil informs the Toronto Western Hospital community, external stakeholders and interested community members about the exciting news and innovative research happening at the Krembil Research Institute.

In this issue you can read about:

Donald Weaver, PhD, MD, FRCPC, FCAHS
Director, Krembil Research Institute
University Health Network

Krembil Ready to Embrace Big Data

The Krembil Research Institute is eager to use big data methods to answer big research questions. “Big data” is the term for using large datasets, which can be probed using advanced computational methods, to find new patterns, trends and associations in ways that transcend what is possible with smaller, focused datasets. For example, Krembil Senior Scientist Dr. Karen Davis wants to use big data in order to develop a personalized approach to chronic pain therapeutics. [Read More]

Modelling Brain Activity

The Krembil Research Institute recently recruited a computational neuroscientist—Dr. Jérémie Lefebvre—who will enhance its already-strong expertise in this area. Computational neuroscientists, also called theoretical neuroscientists, use mathematics and computer models to help explain how the cells and circuits of the brain work. In turn, these models can be used to predict how the brain processes information or how it will respond to a particular treatment intervention. [Read More]

Dangers of Drinking

Study finds that alcohol during pregnancy increases baby’s brain activity, risk for seizures. [Learn More]
Slow Pursuit

Initiation of eye movements found to be slower in individuals with lazy eye. [Learn More]
Concussion: Helping More of Those in Need

New findings may help more people with postconcussion syndrome receive the care that they need. [Learn More]
Gambling on Parkinson Disease

Brain region linked to Parkinson disease also involved in brain’s reward and motivation signals. [Learn More]
Toolbox: Insight in Vision Research

Scientist develops a powerful cell tracking tool to advance research into restoring vision. [Learn More]
The Brain’s Emergency Response

Study reveals how cells are activated to clear harmful pathogens and debris in the brain. [Learn More]
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For inquiries related to The Krembil newsletter, please contact Nick Dery: